
Feathers, Fur and Scales

Our  Feathers, Fur and Scales Program is specifically targeted to Foundation to Grade 2 and caters to the curriculum descriptors shown at the bottom of this webpage.


Feathers, Fur and Scales Sessions 
Educator-led Sessions

90 mins total

Feathers and Fur, Carnivore Corner 

Guided walk through the Park to observe and learn about Australian mammals and birds. Observe physical characteristics and predict the function of these features, such as movement, behaviour, and diet. Observe enclosures and use reasoning to predict preferred habitats and the requirements for life. Observe animals to draw patterns between different types and determine categories similar animals may belong to.

Scales and Slithers 

Up-close encounters with several education reptiles

Teacher-led Session

30-45 mins total

Wallaby Walk

Groups will be provided some Roo-food and an identification sheet so that students may observe, identify, interact with and potentially feed our free-roaming wallabies and kangaroos.   

90 minute program – cost per student including admission: $19.50

The Feathers, Fur and Scales program includes 90 minutes of educator-led sessions, plus a teacher-led session to visit the Wallaby Walk.

The excursion includes reserved undercover seating.

Extra adults over the below ratios: $20.00 (to a maximum of 1:1)

NOTE: all programs have a minimum charge for 17 students per group – even if fewer attend on the day. 

All prices include GST

Foundation to Grade 2: 1 adult included free of charge for every 5 students (rounded up to the next 5)

Carers and Aides (for people with physical or learning needs): 1 included per student

Learning aides do not affect ratios

Extra adults over the above ratios: $20.00 (to a maximum of 1:1)

On the day, a Wallaby Walk info booklet will be provided to leading teachers and other supervising adults to assist them in facilitating this session.

Digital copies of this resource can be found here: Guide to Wallaby Walk

  • The program can be run with 1 to 6 groups/classes
  • minimum of 17 students per group (invoiced for 17 per group even if fewer attend).
  • Group maximum of 30
  • Schools with more than 6 classes and 150 students can visit over multiple days

An example of a timetable for 4 groups based on a 10am arrival is shown below.

We can now accommodate 6 classes at one time: There will be 3 x 30minute Educator-led sessions, and 3 x 30minute Teacher-led sessions to ensure all classes are participating in an activity.

Please contact us for more information and example timetables.

Curriculum Links

Our  Feathers, Fur and Scales Program is specifically targeted to Foundation to Grade 2 and caters to the curriculum descriptors shown below.

Victorian Curriculum:  Foundation – Grade 2
Science Biological Science Living things have a variety of external features and live in different places where their basic needs, including food, water and shelter, are met (VCSSU042)
Living things grow, change and have offspring similar to themselves (VCSSU043)
Science as a human endeavour People use science in their daily lives (VCSSU041)
Questioning and predicting Respond to and pose questions and make predictions about familiar objects and events (VCSIS050)
Planning and conducting Participate in guided investigations, including making observations using the
senses to explore and answer questions (VCSIS051)
Cross Curriculum Priorities Learning about sustainability
Learning Capabilities Critical and creative thinking
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