
Preparing for your Excursion

How to behave

Please read the Code of Conduct and ensure all attending staff and students are aware of their responsibilities and our expectations throughout the visit.

Students must be supervised at all times.

We wish all our visitors, including schools, have a positive experience and expect that some preparatory discussion with your students is undertaken regarding respect and care for animals. We expect that all attending supervising adults will actively support the students’ respectful engagement with our wildlife.

The linked Guide to Wallaby Walk  will also help in this discussion.

What to wear

Please check the weather for Pearcedale before attending. The weather here can be quite different to other parts of of Melbourne or surounds.

As some sessions are outdoors and run in all weather conditions, it is critical that students bring weather appropriate clothing.

This includes:

  • closed-toe shoes and hats.
  • warm clothing for cold days
  • raincoats should rain be forecast .
  • Mosquitos can be numerous in the area when warm and wet! If so, instruct students to apply insect repellent in the morning or request permission from parents to apply during the excursion.

What to bring

  • Lunch box
  • Water bottle

We prefer students keep their lunch and water in their own school bags instead of plastic bags. Bags can be left in the reserved area on tables.

To minimise the amount of rubbish left for our wildlife to pick up, please consider nude-lunches for your excursion.

Where to arrive

Instruct your bus drivers to park parallel to the Bus Zones, but not blocking the Day Entry building. Our Education Officers will meet at the new Education Gate to let you in at your scheduled arrival time.

Please arrive on time as late arrival will reduce break or session times.

Visual Story

Some students may benefit from our handy Visual Story, linked here: Moonlit Sanctuary Visual Story for Excursions 


To get an idea of the relevant areas of the park for School Excursions, and to find the Bus Zones and Education entrance, use our handy Excursion Map.

Health and Safety

These documents and webpages may help in your planning and risk assessment.  

Moonlit Sanctuary School visit Risk Assessment

Moonlit Sanctuary Excursion Health and Safety  Includes Health and Safety Advice, and Emergency Evacuation Procedures

Moonlit Sanctuary Child Safety Statement  Includes Child Safety Statement and link to Child Safety Statement of Commitment

For a current copy of our Certificate of Currency/Public Liability documents please email the Education Coordinator at education@moonlitsanctuary.com.au

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