Regent honeyeater at Moonlit Sanctuary Wildlife Park

Help Stop Bird Numbers Decline

Recently the media reported research from the United States that says that 1 in 4 birds have disappeared from the American sky since 1970. Here in Australia we are not exempt, with many species in decline and the number of birds in the environment also reduced. Birds like the regent honeyeater have declined from flocks of thousands last century to only a few hundred in the wild today.

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology has identified 7 things that can easily be done by all of us to help save our birds.

They highlighted three of these actions, and they are all very familiar to Australians:

  • Watch birds and share what you see. Take part in citizen-science projects like eBird to show us where birds are thriving—and where they need our help.
  • Reduce lawn, plant natives. Convert your lawn or balcony into a native habitat with local plants to feed and shelter birds. Get gardening!
  • Keep cats indoors. Do your local birds a favour by keeping all cats inside—it will help your cat live a longer, healthier life too.

You can view the full list from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology here

Please do what you can for our birds!