Eastern Long-neck Turtle

Chelodina longicollis


Least Concern

Eastern long-neck turtles have an elongated neck which can grow as long as their shell.

The shell, which is called a carapace, can vary in colour from a reddish brown to almost black and can grow up to 25cm in diameter. Eastern long-neck turtles inhabit freshwater lakes, streams, wetlands, dams and other water bodies that are slow flowing.


Their diet consists of aquatic invertebrates as well as small fish, tadpoles, frogs and small crayfish species.


Female turtles may lay between 4-20 hard shelled eggs that she buries in the embankment of a water body. The eggs will incubate anywhere from 3-8 months. Once hatched the young turtles will make their own way into a water body. During this time they are at higher risk of being predated upon, especially by birds of prey. Eastern long-neck turtles may breed 2 or 3 times a year.

  • Location

    Dark green indicates where the Eastern Long Neck Turtle can be found

  • Eastern long-neck turtle at Moonlit Sanctuary Wildlife Conservation Park
  • long-necked turtle at Moonlit Sanctuary Wildlife Conservation Park