Sacred Kingfisher
Todiramphus sanctus
Sacred kingfishers are widespread and not regarded as threatened. However, local biologists have noted there are fewer birds around the Mornington Peninsula in recent years.
Sacred kingfishers mostly eat land animals including small reptiles, insects and their larvae. Only occasionally will they take water animals like crabs and yabbies, and very rarely, fish. They will sit on a branch and swoop down on their prey, much like a hawk.
Sacred kingfishers are solitary for most of the year, pairing up only for the breeding season. They will nest in a hollow that they burrow out, in either a termite mound, tree branch or on a river bank. They lay up to 5 eggs in a clutch with both the male and female taking in turns to incubate the eggs. Each pair can lay up to two clutches of eggs per year.