
Canis lupus dingo



Dingoes are a medium sized canine that have varied colourations. They are usually sandy yellow to a red ginger colour but can also be white, black or tan.

Dingoes are found across all habitat types. They are lean in appearance and can sometimes appear to be quite thin, which is their natural body type.

Dingoes are related to the Asiatic wolf – they have pointed ears, bushy tails and typically howl instead or bark.

The major threat to dingoes is hybridization with feral dogs.


Dingoes have a varied diet including wallabies, kangaroos, rodents, rabbits, birds and reptiles.


Dingoes breed once a year during March-June. During that time they live in packs and the alpha female and male will produce 4-6 pups. The other dingoes in the pack will help protect and raise the pups.

  • Location

    Dark green indicates where the Dingo can be found

  • Dingo encounters at Moonlit Sanctuary Wildlife Conservation Park
  • Alpine dingo at Moonlit Sanctuary Wildlife Conservation Park
  • Alpine dingo at Moonlit Sanctuary Wildlife Conservation Park