Macropus rufogriseus


Least Concern

As their name suggests, the red-necked wallaby has distinct rusty-red shoulders and an upper back, with the rest of their fur being silver, grey and white. They are small in stature, standing between 92-102 cm with the males weighing up to 23kgs and females only 15kgs. They are a solitary species but will occasionally be seen feeding in groups. 

Red-necked wallabies are a protected species and are not considered to be under threat. However, increased road collisions and inappropriate fire regimes are predicted to possibly have an impact on this species in the future. ​​

They inhabit eucalypt forest, coastal heath, grasslands and paddocks, sheltering in dense shrubs during the day. They emerging in the late afternoon to feed on open grassy areas along forest edges.  


They are an herbivorous species that primarily feed on grass, herbs, roots, shrubs and seeds. In periods of drought their food sources provide them with their water requirements. 


Red-necked wallabies will breed all year with a slight peak in summer. They will have one joey that spends 9 months in the pouch suckling on the mother’s teat, before becoming independent at around 14 months. Females will mature earlier than males


    Dark green indicates where the Red Necked Wallaby can be found

  • Kangaroo joey at Moonlit Sanctuary Wildlife Park
  • Red-necked wallaby at Moonlit Sanctuary Wildlife Park